DPH will be transitioning the Nurse Aide Registry Services (NARS) to a new Health Profession Licensing System for certified nurse aides (CNAs). This transition will provide a more efficient self-service method for renewals and updating of certification information. Those facilities or providers who currently have an account to access the Registry’s Nurse Aide Registry Inquiry System (NARIS) will receive information concerning the new Health Professions Licensing System sent to the email address associated with their current NARIS account. Beginning December 4, 2023, CNAs must use the new Health Profession Licensing System to renew their certification. Employer information and signature will be submitted through a document upload feature within the new Health Professions Licensing System as part of the CNA renewal process. To learn more about this system change, visit this website for instructions and tutorials on the Health Professions Licensing System. If you have any questions, please contact the Nurse Aide Registry at nars@mass.gov.