The Massachusetts Council of Activity Professionals (MassCAP) is a professional organization of Activity Coordinators established in Massachusetts in 1975. Activity Professionals work in nursing and rehab facilities, assisted living facilities, senior centers, independent residences, community agencies and adult day health centers. Membership in MassCAP is open to anyone interested in improving activity programming, participating in educational opportunities and exchanging ideas with colleagues in the health care profession. MassCAP works with its membership, with other health care providers and with regulatory agencies to ensure that activity programs exist which encourage the elderly to lead full and challenging lives.
What is an Activity Professional?
As Activity Professionals, we know that the absence of activity leads to boredom, depression and ultimately to deterioration of mental and physical functioning among those we serve. Dysfunction is reversible through engagement in therapeutic programming, enhancement of the activities of daily living, work-related activities and vocational pursuits. Activity Professionals assess clients in order to develop and manage programs to assure that elderly persons function at their fullest physical, mental, social and vocational potentials.
Membership Benefits
- Membership card and a copy of by-laws
- Access to job bank
- Quarterly newsletter "IMPACT" which updates members of professional and legislative issues and provides a forum to share announcements of events, etc., or any news relating to our profession.
- Discounted registration fee for our highly informative seminars, including a state-wide annual convention; e-mail notifications/registration.
- The right to vote, hold office; or to nominate peers for recognitions as well as elected positions.
- Member Directory which includes information about satellite groups, workshop dates to plan for and for officers of the MassCAP Board.
Become a Member - MassCAP Membership Application
Membership is open to all activity professionals in the state of Massachusetts. An annual MassCAP membership is just $50.00. Membership in MassCAP is granted on an individual basis. It does not apply to other facility or departmental staff. Our term of membership runs from January 1st and ends December 31st.
Make check payable to MassCAP - Massachusetts Council of Activity Professionals
Mail your application to:
c/o Massachusetts Senior Care Association
PO Box 1657
Easton, MA 02334
For more information regarding MassCAP, please contact Sandy Sarza, MassCAP President or Loan Nguyen at Mass Senior Care.