Join us for a dynamic and informative program featuring Steven Littlehale from Zimmet Healthcare, Dr. Sasha Albert, Associate Director at the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission, Tara Gregorio and Susan Misiorski from Mass Senior Care Association and a member provider panel. We will spend the day learning 10 concrete steps you can take to mitigate risk in your facility as well as best practices on building a pipeline of new workers while ensuring equity in your workforce. The trade show and lunch will feature 50 sponsors and exhibitors and the opportunity to network with these vendors and your colleagues.
Morning Session, 9:30 am – 11:30am (2 CEUs)
Risk Mitigation Strategies that Reduce Nursing Home and Employee Risk
Steven Littlehale, MS, RN, Chief Innovation Officer at Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, LLC
Risk mitigation strategies must go beyond the adage “document, document, document”, and be more tangible than the parental advice of “be careful.” Nursing homes encounter risk every day, from too many sources to name, such as residents and families, federal and state regulators. But risk also comes from staff, specifically those that are or feel unsupported and undervalued.
Whatever the source of risk, poor resident outcomes may result in a lawsuit, an allegation of criminal actions, government investigation, reputation loss or loss of referral sources. Poorly managed employee risks have the additional consequence of turnover, insufficient staff, and worker’s comp claims. This interactive session will review the 10 concrete things that you can do immediately to mitigate these risks.
Afternoon Session, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (2 CEUs)
The Workforce Imperative: Building an Adequate and Equitable Pipeline of New Workers
The workforce crisis is the single largest issue contributing to the current instability in the nursing facility sector. This session convenes thought leaders and member providers in Mass Senior Care’s pipeline and career ladder strategy. Members will be able to engage in immediate opportunities to grow our workforce from Resident Care Assistants through to Nursing Home Administrators, while also improving economic and racial equity in our workforce.