CMS has announced that an updated Skilled Nursing Facility Advance Beneficiary Notice (SNF ABN) and accompanying instructions have been posted in the downloads section of the fee for service (FFS) SNF ABN webpage. The revised SNF ABN form is available for immediate use, and it becomes mandatory for Medicare Part A services on October 31, 2024.
SNFs must issue a notice to Original Medicare (FFS) beneficiaries in order to transfer potential financial liability before the SNF provides: An item or service that is usually paid for by Medicare, but may not be paid for in this particular instance because it is not medically reasonable and necessary; or Custodial care.
For Part A items and services: SNFs use the SNF ABN as the liability notice.
For Part B items and services: SNFs use the separate Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN), Form CMS-R-131. The ABN and information on this notice can be found here.
The SNF ABN provides information to the patient so they can decide whether or not to get the care that may not be paid for by Medicare. They would assume financial responsibility. SNFs must use the SNF ABN when applicable for SNF Prospective Payment System services (Medicare Part A). It is important to note that the SNF ABN, CMS-10055, is only issued if the beneficiary intends to continue services and the SNF believes the services may not be covered under Medicare. SNFs will continue to use the ABN Form CMS-R-131 when applicable for Medicare Part B items and services.