EOHHS through UMASS NFReporting has issued the following three documents for facilities to complete the Rate Year 2025 Interim filing:
- Instructions - The first is a Word Document containing instructions for completing the filing form.
- Sample Template - The second is an Excel file, which is a sample of the template that will appear in the portal.
- FAQ - The third is an FAQ that contains answers to frequently asked questions.
EOHHS through UMASS will notify facilities once it is possible to access the webform facilities need to complete for this filing via the online portal. The deadline for filing the form is March 1st.
If you have any questions on accessing the portal, registering new users, or completing the webform once it is available, please contact NFReporting@umassmed.edu. User support will be available daily during the week, between 9:00am and 4:30pm, until the filing deadline.