The Commonwealth’s transition from the current paper-based MA MOLST Program to the POLST (Portable Orders for Life- Sustaining Treatment) electronic form and statewide electronic registry is well underway. EOHHS will hold an informational meeting on May 14, 2024 from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm to provide an update on the design, development, and implementation of the eRegistry, Education Plan, rollout, and solicit members for the Advisory Groups. EOHHS is also seeking additional participants for the Test Phase, which is anticipated to begin in October of 2024. Please email Priscilla M. Ross, RN, POLST Program Director, at priscilla.ross2@mass.gov for more information about the Test Phase.
To register for May 14th meeting click here.
To sign up for quarterly updates on the project sign up here.