Compliance and Enforcement Forum
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Nursing Facilities are one of the most heavily regulated types of health care entities in the country and must comply with a multitude of state and federal laws and regulations. It is important for nursing facility providers to understand the current enforcement environment on the both the state and federal level related to these laws and regulations. This session will discuss:
- Federal Substance Use Disorder (“SUD”) discrimination settlements
- SUD components in the revised CMS Requirements of Participation
- Federal False Claims Act trends in long term care cases
- Recent Massachusetts long term care enforcement actions
- Staffing and discharge issues and much more
Target Audience: Administrators, Regional Leadership/Compliance Staff, Director of Nursing,
Risk Management staff
Click here to register.
Audits & Investigations: What To Do When The Government Comes “Knocking”
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
2:00PM - 3:30PM
Via Zoom
It can be both daunting and overwhelming for providers to confront audits and investigations initiated by government agencies, particularly when significant demands are made without much, if any, notice and little time to respond. It is essential to understand the rights and obligations of providers encountering these circumstances and what can be done to best protect your interests. This program will explore best practices for Mass Senior Care members in responding to such audits and investigations from the panoply of government agencies operating in this space. The program will also touch on topics of audits and investigations that members can expect to see from governmental agencies in the near future as the Public Health Emergency related to COVID-19 winds down and ultimately ends in May of this year.
Mark Reagan, Managing Partner, Hooper, Lundy & Bookman
David Schumacher, Managing Partner, Hooper, Lundy & Bookman
Bill Ulrich, President/CEO, Consolidated Billing Services, Inc.
Target Audience:
Administrators, Chief Financial Officers, Directors of Nursing, Corporate Compliance staff
Click here to register.
Successfully Navigating The Informal Dispute Resolution Process (IDR), The Independent Informal Dispute Process (IIDR) And Appeals To The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) - Virtual
April 5, 2023
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
The informal dispute process (IDR), independent informal dispute process (IIDR) and appeals to an Administrative Law Judge are the only recourse providers have to dispute citations of federal deficiencies. Being successful in the IDR, IIDR and/or Appeals process can have a multi-year impact on a provider’s future fines and sanctions and on the public presence of citations on Care Compare. In addition, there are other consequences a provider may face due to deficiency citations.
However, many providers are unclear as to the process for the IDR, IIDR and Appeals including what can be disputed and/or appealed, what the process is to dispute and/or appeal and how to do this effectively. This seminar will include an overview of the IDR, IIDR and Appeals process as well as tips to develop IDR, IIDRs and Appeals to effectively dispute deficiency citations.
Target Audience:
Administrators, Director of Nurses, Quality Improvement Staff
Click here to register.