To assist nursing facility members in complying with the CMS regulation mandating that each nursing facility have a designated and specially trained Infection Preventionist, AHCA is offering new registrants discounts on its IPCO training program. In addition, AHCA/NCAL is also offering discounts for assisted living resources, including IPCO for AL, Advancing Assisted Living Leadership and Improving Staff Resiliency and Retention. Each discount code is available now until December 31st. Please use the links below to obtain further information.
- IPCO provides 24.5 ANCC contact hours and 24.5 NAB CEs for administrators. Registration fee during this sale: $350 for AHCA/NCAL members and $550 for Non-members. Signup using discount code: AHCA75.
- IPCO AL provides 25.5 ANCC contact hours and 28.75 NAB CEs for administrators. Registration fee during this sale: $350 for AHCA/NCAL members and $550 for Non-members. Signup using discount code: AHCA75.
- Advancing Assisted Living Leadership – It’s Time to Level Up! provides 4.50 NAB CEs and 4.0 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing (IBON). Registration fee during this sale: $124 for NCAL members and $174 for Non-members. Signup using promo code: NCAL75.
- Improving Staff Resiliency and Retention provides 3.50 NAB CEs and 3.0 contact hours through the Iowa Board of Nursing (IBON). Registration fee during this sale: $124 for NCAL members and $174 for Non-members. Signup using promo code: NCAL75.