Earlier this week, Governor Healey signed into law the FY 2025 state budget, totaling $57.8 billion spending, which includes $40 million over the current FY 2024 Medicaid nursing facility budget appropriation to cover resident care and workforce costs. To bring the spending plan into balance, the Governor in her review of the budget separately vetoed $317 million in total funds, including close to $200 million in the Medicaid managed care funding line item and $10 million in new Rest Home funding due to projected demand and historical spending for this service.
In addition, the budget includes a number of important workforce initiatives including investments to provide free community college education for every Massachusetts student, and funds for a higher education persistence and basic needs program to help support low-income students at state universities and community colleges who face obstacles in completing their degrees.
Mass Senior Care extends its appreciation to Governor Healey, Senate President Spilka, Speaker Mariano, Chairman Rodrigues and Chairman Michlewitz for supporting nursing facility residents and their caregivers.
Mass Senior Care will continue its advocacy efforts to increase nursing facility spending in FY 2025 in order to increase wages for our dedicated staff, hire additional direct care workers to further alleviate staffing shortages and funding to care for our more medically complex patients. Mass Senior Care is also actively working with EOHHS on the development of the upcoming Rate Year 2025 Medicaid nursing facility regulation which begins on October 1st.