The Massachusetts Department of Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) has released the following program updates:
- Updated PFML FAQ for Employers and PFML FAQ for Employees.
- Updated the wording on question 14 of the Certification of Your Serious Health Condition form and question 20 of the Certification of Your Family Member’s Serious Health Condition form.
- Employees can now report intermittent leave on the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) website: updates have been made to the reporting process for intermittent leave. Employees may use the PFML website to enter hours any time that is most convenient for them, including times that are outside contact center operating hours.
- Enhanced Intermittent Leave Notifications are Available to Employers to provide leave administrators with instructions for accessing employee reported leave details. The email now explains how to access information such as time used and time remaining.
- Beginning July 1, 2024 DFML will no longer approve retroactive private plan exemptions that span more than four calendar quarters from the date of the request. Please see this webpage for information on requesting a PFML retroactive private plan exemption, including detailed lists of conditions and requirements.
For additional information, please visit the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave.