Vaccination rates for the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine remain extremely low for residents in Massachusetts’ nursing facilities. NHSN data from the week ending November 10, 2024, indicate only 30.7% of nursing facility residents have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine, ranking Massachusetts as 26th out of 50 states and slightly higher than the national average of 30.4%. Preliminary results from the Mass Senior care COVID-19 Resident Vaccination Survey indicate successful strategies from responding nursing facilities to increase resident vaccination uptake include:
- Ongoing education of residents/families/resident representatives
- Outreach to families/resident representatives via mailings/robo calls
- Scheduling vaccine clinics with the LTC pharmacy, outside pharmacies and other organizations
There are several resources available to assist nursing facilities in educating residents and families about the importance of remaining up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations included those listed below.
CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Clinical & Professional Resources
MA DPH Information on COVID-19
If your nursing facility has not yet completed the COVID-19 Resident Vaccination Survey, please click here.