Secretary of Administration and Finance Matthew Gorzkowicz, Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues and House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz have reached agreement on the consensus tax revenue forecast to be used for developing the upcoming fiscal year 2026 budget spending plan. The Administration and Legislature are forecasting a total of $41.2 billion in non-surtax revenue, representing a modest 2.2% growth over the current FY2025 revenue benchmark.
The consensus revenue forecast is the basis on which the Healey-Driscoll Administration, the House, and the Senate will build their respective FY26 budget recommendations. Pursuant to state law, the Executive and Legislative branches convene every year to establish a joint revenue forecast. This process was informed by testimony given by the Department of Revenue, the State Treasurer’s Office, and independent, local economists from area foundations and universities during a public hearing held by the Secretary and Chairs on December 2, 2024.