The EOHHS has opened up a grant opportunity to strengthen partnerships between hospitals and Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs), for the purposes of supporting and coordinating patient transitions from hospitals to home and community-based settings (HCBS). The focus of the Hospital to Home Partnership Program, is for hospitals and ASAPs to work together to ensure appropriate services and supports are in place to enable individuals to be discharged directly to home and community rather than to a nursing facility or other institutional setting. The funds can be used for ASAP staff to be embedded within the hospital as HCBS liaisons. The HCBS hospital liaisons will support the hospital’s efforts to connect individuals to HCBS programs and community services to support a hospital to community discharge instead of a skilled nursing facility placement. The funds may also be used for innovation, including technology and enhanced information sharing, to help individuals transition from hospital to home. A maximum of 10 grants of up to $300,000 each will be awarded, for a total of $3 million in funding.