Many nursing homes and rest homes successfully participated in the MA Department of Public Health (DPH) training and technical assistance program, Caring for Residents with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in Long-Term Care (LTC). Based on DPH observations and stakeholder feedback, long-term care facilities (LTCFs) continue to struggle with admissions, providing adequate care, and/or facilitating medication treatment for their residents with OUD. As DPH's contractor, Abt Associates is offering personalized coaching to assist facilities in providing the best care for all residents.
DPH guidance requires facilities to admit and care for residents receiving treatment for OUD who need skilled nursing services. DPH released updated guidance on September 12, 2022, to remind facilities of this responsibility and offer resources for caring for residents receiving treatment for OUD. The memo states, “LTCFs are required to provide access to MOUD under 105 CMR 150.003(B) which requires LTCFs to provide care and services to meet the resident’s physical, emotional, behavioral, and social needs.
Individuals eligible for admission to a LTCF shall not be denied admission on the basis of requiring treatment for opioid use disorder; the facility should admit the resident and provide for the access to administration of MOUD as directed by the resident’s OTP or OBOT/ OBAT program, or a prescriber in the LTCF.
If your facility would like coaching or has concerns around caring for residents with OUD, please email Include your name, facility’s name, and a short overview of your needs.