Join the Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI) and the MassCyberCenter on May 9th at 10am for the monthly health care provider cybersecurity call. As always, you will be joined by representatives of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Commonwealth Fusion Center who will provide updates on recent cyber threats and trends. The topic of this call will be reducing vulnerabilities and include an overview of the Commonwealth Fusion Center's Vulnerability and Threat Intelligence Project.
You can register for the call now by visiting the Zoom registration page.
These calls will continue to occur on the second Thursday of every month and will feature a discussion leader from MeHI and the MassCyberCenter, the Commonwealth Fusion Center, and additional guest speakers to provide updates on emerging threats and cover a monthly topic of interest from the group. This series was developed as an outcome of the 2020 Baseline Cybersecurity of Massachusetts Healthcare Provider Survey. The Association for Behavioral Healthcare, Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, LeadingAge Massachusetts, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Massachusetts Medical Society, and Massachusetts Senior Care Association partnered with MeHI and the MassCyberCenter to develop and circulate the survey.