Implementing the Revised Facility Assessment Requirements
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Zoom webinar
Webinar Description:
While the first minimum staffing provisions do not kick in for two years or more, the federal nursing home minimum staffing rule was formally published in the Federal Register on May 10th and nursing facilities must meet the revised facility assessment requirements included in the staffing mandate by August 8th. Starting on that date, the facility assessment will need to include a formalized staffing plan to maximize recruitment and retention, address staffing for all shifts/days of the week and be adjustable for changes in the resident population, behavioral health issues, and staff skill sets. To help members prepare, join us on June 11 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm for a webinar that will provide a detailed overview of the new facility assessment requirements and help nursing facilities prepare their staff and organization for the upcoming changes.
- Lisa Thomson, Chief Operating Officer, Pathway Health
- Susan LeGrange, Chief Nursing Officer, Pathway Health
CEUs: 1.5 for Nursing Home Administrators and Nurses licensed in Massachusetts
Target Audience: Administrators, DONs, QAPI Team Members, Staff Development
Click here to register.