On Sunday, May 19, 2024, the Virtual Gateway will move its login portal to a new site and offer additional, new methods to log into the Virtual Gateway. Existing Virtual Gateway users will be presented with three options on the new Virtual Gate way login page.
- Personal Login: This option should only be used by public users to access their personal, MassHealth-related information, using the My Account Page (MAP) system.
- Business Login: This option should be used by provider users who have one Virtual Gateway UserID linked to one unique email address. EOHHS recommends that providers using system to system connectivity to send or receive HIPAA transactions continue to use the Legacy Login option instead of the Business Login option.
- Legacy Login: For a limited time, this option will be available to ALL Virtual Gateway users.
For additional questions or concerns: LTSS providers, please contact the LTSS Provider Service Center at (844) 368-5184 or support@masshealthltss.com.