RVRS has updated the timeline for the new electronic death reporting system. The new system is on track for a tentative April 2024 launch of the death certificate module of the Massachusetts Vital Records Information Collaborative (MAVRIC) system. The exact date will be announced in the coming weeks.
To ensure pronouncers are familiar with MAVRIC and are ready to use it upon launch, it is imperative to complete enrollment in TRAIN Massachusetts. The MAVRIC training program is now available and offers dozens of scheduled webinars and self-paced training options that can be accessed at your convenience. Each webinar includes a role-specific MAVRIC demonstration, followed by a live Q&A session with RVRS staff and technical experts. If you are enrolled in TRAIN Massachusetts, you can access the training and sign up for a webinar here.
If you have not already enrolled in TRAIN Massachusetts, it is fast and efficient to create your own account by going to the TRAIN website (https://www.train.org/ma/welcome) and clicking “Create an Account.” Follow the prompts to set up your account. For Division/Business Unit, select External DPH Partner. For Office, select the Registry of Vital Records and Statistics. Then pick your role. If you have any questions, please email DPH-TRAINHelp@mass.gov.
To learn about MAVRIC and its new features, please see Frequently Asked Questions document here.
To learn more about the transition to the MAVRIC system please visit: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/electronic-death-registration-system-update.