Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 111, section 71C and 105 CMR 150.028 Dementia Special Care Units requires all nursing facilities that advertise or hold themselves out to the public as a provider of specialized care to persons with dementia must file a disclosure statement with the Department of Public Health by March 1st each year. The Disclosure statement must be submitted using the Health Care Facility Reporting System (HCFRS) by scanning and then attaching into HCFRS. Do not fax or mail your disclosure form to the Department. Information on filing the disclosure as well as a blank disclosure form are available here. Nursing facilities which advertise or hold themselves out to the public as a provider of specialized care to persons with dementia that do NOT file a disclosure form on or before March 1st, 2025, may be subject to state licensure fines under MGL Chapter 111, section 73.