The Senate is currently deliberating on their FY 2025 budget recommendation with active floor debate beginning on Monday. We need your immediate and ongoing help in urging your State Senator to support and co-sponsor Amendment #494 (filed by Senator Julian Cyr), which would provide $128 million (half of which is reimbursed by the federal government) in critically needed funding to allow the state’s 351 nursing homes to increase wages for our 53,000 deserving staff and hire 1,000 additional direct care workers.
To date, only 4 out of 40 State Senators are co-sponsoring this important amendment. If you do not see your state senator’s name listed below, please send an email today and ask your colleagues, residents, and family members to join this critical effort to support quality nursing facility care.
State Senators Signed on as Co-Sponsors to Amendment #494:
Julian Cyr
Michael Brady
John Cronin
Michael Moore