Mar 04, 2025 09:00am - Apr 15, 2025 03:30pm

2025 Director of Nursing Services Leadership Development Program

Tuesdays, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8 and 4/15

3 In Person and 4 Virtual Sessions, Up to 28 CEUs

Directors of Nursing Services (DNS) hold one of the most critical roles in shaping the quality of resident care outcomes, as well as impacting job satisfaction for the entire caregiving team in skilled nursing facilities, yet in a Massachusetts Senior Care Association (MSCA) survey many DNS’s reported they were not well prepared for the complex responsibilities of the role.


To meet the need for ongoing DNS leadership development and to build future DNS leaders and senior clinical managers, we are pleased to bring back by popular demand the Long Term Care Director of Nursing Services Leadership Development Program exclusively for Mass Senior Care Members. This program is intentionally designed to convene a peer group to learn new skills, build upon existing knowledge, explore values-based leadership, and operationalize the competencies needed to be a nurse executive in long term care and sub-acute settings.


Target Audience: DNS’s with less than three years of experience, Assistant Directors of Nursing, nurses transitioning into the DNS role, and practicing nurses preparing for career advancement.



•Experience an interactive leadership development program taught by skilled subject matter experts

•Gain skills and strategies needed for success in the DNS role

•Deepen understanding of the regulatory compliance environment

•Optimize resource utilization and cost containment strategies



•Executive Leadership Skills including Coaching & Conflict Management, Regulatory Compliance, and Survey Management

•Implementing Best Practices in End of Life Care

•The DNS Role in Budget/Resource Management, Staffing Models and Required Reporting

•Personnel Management and Labor Laws

•Hot Topics in Quality Care



Tuesdays, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8 and 4/15

3 In-Person Sessions and 4 Virtual Sessions:

·March 4, 9:00AM-3:30PM, in-person, Whitney Place at Medway

·March 11, 11:00AM-1:00PM, virtual

·March 18, 12:30PM-3:30PM, virtual

·March 25, 9:00AM-3:30PM, in-person, location TBD

·April 1, 12:30PM-3:30PM, virtual

·April 8, 12:30PM-3:30PM, virtual

·April 15, 9:00AM-3:30PM, in-person, Waltham Woods


This 7-week program will award a Certificate of Completion and up to 28 Continuing Education credits.


Fee: Includes all materials and lunch during in-person sessions

$1,500 for Mass Senior Care Members

(Must be paid at least one week prior to the start of the program)


Cancellation Policy:

Mass Senior Care must be notified in writing no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the program (March 2nd) for a refund, minus a $100 processing fee, which will be refunded in the manner in which the payment was made. “No Show” attendees will be billed at the full registration fee. Cancellations should be emailed to